
Northwood Dental Sponsors the Traverse City Film Festival

According to Michigan native Michael Moore, it’s “a six-day cinematic wonderland that celebrates everything we love about the movies.”

Traverse City Film Festival 2014 9th Annual Over 120,000 experience the magic of Traverse City in late July each summer as the Traverse City Film Festival presents “Just Great Movies” in one of the most beautiful and unique resort areas in the United States.

Sponsors make it possible for us to keep the festival grassroots, focused on the art and love of movies. Each sponsor also helps Traverse City share the things we love, and do best here, with festival visitors and guests. Dr. Brian Klym and our entire team is glad to be part of the 2014 sponsor family.

Created as an annual event in 2005 to help “save one of America's few indigenous art forms—the cinema", the film festival was co-founded by Oscar-winning film director Michael Moore, along with Doug Stanton (author) and John Robert Williams (photographer).

The non-profit, Traverse City Film Festival, organization is run by a committee of Michigan filmmakers, writers, and creative professionals. Deb Lake has been the executive director of the Traverse City Film Festival since 2006, and is one of two paid, year-round employees. The remainder of the work is performed by about 1,000 volunteers. The 10th annual (2014) festival runs from July 29th to August 3rd.

Engage with the TC Film Festival, on their Facebook page.

For a beautifully healthy smile, contact Dr. Klym and his team: request an appointment or schedule a consultation by calling (231) 947-7202.

My Take on Science, Fluoridation And Societal Engineering

Fluoridated‬ water is largely nature doing its job (in this case, a good job), with societal "guided engineering" when the local conditions don't cooperate in producing a healthy quantity.

‪Background (Why I wrote this now) and Reference Links below

While Margaret Thatcher said there was no such thing as ‪‎society‬*, billions of ‪‎teeth‬ array otherwise, and stay away from demise… because we, as a society, look to ‪‎science‬ for answers to illness and disease. We could merely fear advances in science, and rely on conjecture or anecdotal evidence to decide how to proceed as a society OR we could get answers from the experts who see more clearly in areas where we do not.

Obviously, we should not go blindly forward with anyone's recommendation, even if we are not experts, without posing questions to the experts in the areas that will affect us individually or as a society. However we must avoid regressing into rejected by science ideas like bloodletting, ancient "secrets" and other remedies not proven through double blind studies, or that have some regular consistency of positive result.

Ironically, there are many who fear ‪‎Big Pharma‬ because of their unethical behavior (bad science), yet also support ideas with little or no proof, which often have their own conflicts of interest. Many "natural" ideas or remedies were developed before there was anything like a scientific method in place, which was just in the last 100 years or so.

I don't mean there is nothing from the past that still has value today, but those natural treatments or "herbal supplements" should also pass the science "smell test" of plausibility and consistent validity.

So we all probably agree then that every old idea isn't wrong, and pills won't save us from everything. However, if a pill saves me and others, but a few are against it, society must still decide on a course of action, especially if a great majority of the public is at risk. Right?

Therefore, we must in the aggregate (as a society) choose to proceed one of two ways, either:

1) Go with the preponderance of evidence (aka: near consensus) as a public health strategy


2) Follow the anomalistic, anecdotal and "my friend says" method of individually dispensed and validated "alternative" health care

  • Alternative care example, a Greensboro dentist critiques oil pulling.


This may not mean that every individual in every situation is required to follow a certain rule, but that there must be rules to protect society as a whole from the actions of a few who can't or won't acknowledge the evidence. Again this is not about being a slave to the consensus; but acknowledging the need to act concertedly in situations where the most good can be achieved.

There should and must be dissent, but that dissent cannot override haphazardly and continually in areas when it's critical for a wide ranging result to occur, and be effective. Otherwise, if public or societal health is not regulated in some way, a medicine show mentality would set the stage for general havoc. For example, the resurgence of plagues, small pox type epidemics and other consequences will be dredged up from the past.

Yes, cataclysmic change from scientific "advances" is an obvious risk, and it looks like we are going in that direction with global warming**, yet we also cannot go back to a supposedly better hunter-and-gatherer lifestyle and successfully tow along a 6 billion plus population. While my depiction is an exaggeration (I hope), the health problems and environmental restrictions we face are societal (huge), and those people with individualized solutions of how "they" think "we" can live, often do not factor in how to squeeze in all of us.

There is no perfect overall scientific plan for us to follow, as to saving everyone's teeth or our environment, but there are intermittent situations where science has gathered the knowledge to create significant improvements as with fluoridation. I suggest rather than backpedaling on science, we move forward to improve things. Letting unproven ideas about supposed negative effects of fluoride outweigh the obvious tooth-protecting benefits makes little sense at this point.

One article of proof as to validity of fluoridation: Unfortunately, my article will most likely be even less effective in changing minds than the one from The Guardian above. Yet, the reality is that there is nothing totally guaranteed, so we must do our best to figure it out from here.

And yes, there are also paradoxes involved in almost everything we do. Sometimes progress gets us to an end point, and societies still fail. Societies that have pushed for progress may not even see the fruits of their labor, even decry that progress as a total failure unknowingly but as accurate as they can at that point. Then the results blossom in another time and place, counterintuitively and unjustifiably justifying the progress of the science (as to the previous era's understanding).

Society may move forward, and fall apart simultaneously. For example, the dinosaurs "had to" die to "make room" for the human species. More recently quantum physics, developed in the first of half of the 20th century, was for the most part discarded as area of scientific study in the 1940s to 1960s, until its "revival" in the 1990s.†

This is not to say we need to move forward in a similar haphazard or destructive way, but I don't deny that there will be missteps (and missed steps), big and small. That said, I do see science as being correctable and malleable, as opposed to the fear of using scientific methods or other strategies of "societal intervention". Fears that are more likely to put us behind the future's eight ball consistently.

I see social engineering, often discredited by ideologues as the process of constantly moving forward, which we cannot avoid for many reasons. Again, "engineering" is not something to be feared, especially from the standpoint of being paralyzed by the idea of progress.

We either engineer a better future, or we devolve into haphazardly acting bands of non-real-science marauders blindly flailing in the tar pit of non-intelligence coordinating inaction, which will be the cause worse results.

-- FYI: I'm not a ‪‎scientist‬ or a ‪‎dentist‬.


Richard The Chwalek (RTC)
Dental Marketing and Communication Consultant



Recently spurred by this tweet:

My retweet:

And this one:
And this one also:

Originally posted here, (however edited some above):

NOTE: As to a liberal agenda mentioned in the 3rd tweet URL above, I must object to the assertion that science is from a political agenda. Yes, politics may co-opt certain scientific claims, but there would be no such thing as science if it first through a politic agenda. The science stands up for itself, or it is not science. Does the science provide "enough" proof or does it not. It's amazing how even this societally beneficial natural "vaccine" for teeth has been turned into a bad thing by some groups, who I dare say may have an agenda!


Fluoridation link noted above

*Book I recently read:

** Global Warming Proof, Human Caused (or climate change)

†Two of the Quantum Physics Books I've read:


Dental Consumers Don't Want Everything Dentists Offer, They Want What They Want

After nearly 20 years of working with dentists on marketing high level dentistry, I would say that the headline states what's probably a fairly common mindset the dentist must understand about dental consumers. That is to say thinking about dentistry from the consumer perspective rather than from how the dentist has been trained up to that point.

Let's say a dentist has 10+years of experience, and thousands of advanced continuing education and training hours in various expertise "categories". This advanced expertise may be in implants, orthodontics and sedation or high level smile makeovers and prosthodontic training. In the day to day, it doesn't really matter which areas advanced, it's just that they have more extra training than the average dentist. The farther the dentist takes this training, the farther they are from their patients. It is not a bad thing necessarily, but the reality that more and more patients are much farther in the dark about "advanced" dentistry than they are from the dentist with less training is true.

The consumer may be impressed by this level of training, but their ability to make decisions about their care will be very limited initially. In most cases, it won't change even over time, in a way that comes close to comparing with the level of training the dentist has.

That said, it is less about one dentist's expertise compared to another dentist, but more about "what the dentist offers" in services and expertise to the patient that is not in the patient's knowledge base or level of value understanding. As to value, most consumers (which is also the infrequent, long term inactive and never been patients) and current patients, they see straight ahead, without widening their peripheral (value) vision, when it comes to dental care.

It's not possible for consumers or patient to widen their view every time there's an advancement, so they're forced to move forward with "more" tunnel vision in more areas of life. For example, a larger percentage of kids in the 1960s & 70s were able to learn how to "fix a car" than the same percentages of kids today because a myriad of automotive techological add-ons. Likewise, dentistry actually making tunnel vision narrower in respect to the complexities added on. Because of this adding on of complexity, developing a higher level of value appreciation of dentistry and for dentists is then much more difficult today than in the past.

I'm not talking about the ability to download and research dentistry services and such. That is much easier because of the internet, but having a general sense of what is going on in dentistry is less likely to permeate society with the complexity of Moore's Law affecting almost every area of services (dental and other). Again in the 60s and 70s, a much larger percentage of teenagers could have taken a phone apart, named each part, and put it back together in less than an hour. Growing up back then, I know many people had the same phone for 10, 20 or more years! Almost nothing we consume today stays that constant.

Expecting consumers to appreciate most every update in a new phone (which is now a complex computer) is one thing, but understanding how they work internally is not. Dentistry also falls into additional value appreciation categories than a phone. A major difference is the "expert" interaction that a phone does not require. No one talks to a phone engineer, probably not even a technician, they either call a customer service rep, go online or buy a new one.

Making an appointment with and paying for the dentist's (engineer) expertise is a much higher plateau to navigate, and therefore makes value appreciation much more complex, and often fraught with concerns and misconceptions.

Developing deep value in dentistry has always been limited to two basic areas: how patients are treated (interpersonally as well as the dental care itself) AND their experience knowledge base. This knowledge base comes from what others say about their experience not just the patient's personal experience. So parents, siblings, other family, friends, and media are part of the mix.

The two deep value experiences are what permeates their life. It's an intertwining that occurs without an intentional search for answers. The answers come to them unsolicited (in most cases). No one has more time than anyone did before to learn value (as in a 24 hour day). Few parents are sitting down with their children and talking dentistry, then did 30 years ago, to any quantifiable extent. Office visit communication also has not increase significantly, mostly because the average number of dental visits is still about two visits per year for the active patient, less for others.


To add to, widen or improve this "common" level of information dispersal and value appreciation development, which is inadequate (especially considering all the advances), requires some type of outside-the-office marketing. Dentists who want to attract consumers who will be more consistently amenable to a higher level of services must realize that most patients and consumers will want what everybody else has always wanted first, before they are convinced to move higher, even if they seem to put forward an interest some kind.  

The type of marketing required to widen their tunnel vision scope must be proactive, assertive, and public communication. Otherwise, the status quo (two visits per year and common value experience) will prevail. Therefore, not advancing in any way, shape or form in correlation to the advances made by their dentist. 

However, the reality of the situation is that many people will continue to stay in the "common knowledge" zone, with a smaller percentage arriving with only the common knowledge, and then building up minimally or in fits and starts overtime as a society. It is very slow because the "common" information flow is already a flood in their narrow tunnel, as we can easily see with all the misconceptions and fears that are still roiling through the tunnel after all these years. These negatives are obviously not removed merely by the dentist increasing their expertise; that expertise just becomes a larger torrent in the information super tunnel eye way.

So what is it, will dental marketing work or NOT!?

Definitely, it will!

Yet there is no magical dental marketing solution available. A few drops of marketing fluoride a day is unavailable. What is available is targeted communication to a group that is "more/better prepared" to proceed, which opens a tributary to enlightment. 

The ready-to-proceed consumer is yearning for a change, but has not been “updated" in a way that pushes them out of the normal common knowledge tunnel of the past. Dentists who recognize that consumers are NOT widening their tunnel vision without consistent external guidance, and use this insight to better inform consumers, will benefit.

The most important nugget to remember is that each dentist does not need to change the way society accesses information, and/or builds value. Dentist need only to "effectively reach” (within a larger potential cohort) an additional 3 or 5 families or 5 to 10 additional individuals each month through a “connective communication" approach. That's because each patient updated in this way will be a better referral source than the common source in the past. This updated group will have a slightly wider tunnel vision that then will spread a more value understood message about the expertise and/or advanced services available.

Sincerely, Richard The Chwalek
Dental Marketing Consulting, Consumer Communication Coach for Dentists
Developer of Connective Communication©

NOTE: I have purposefully left out the term cosmetic dentistry and teeth whitening in the above article. The reason? Increasing value has so many other avenues in dentistry that consumers and even patients are missing out on. This article is not about the perfect smile patient specifically, it's about increasing value appreciation for dentistry in any form. I did not want to come across as saying only "SELL MORE COSMETIC CASES" even though this can happen in my Connective Communication© approach. The function of the marketing can be directed in any direction your practice is going. But it requires an understanding of how the consumer spends their 24hours tunneling through the world around them. Something must be excluded, but my method gives dentistry a greater likelihood of being within their vision more often, and more effectively.


Books or Potions That Solve All Medical/Dental Problems ... So They Say

minimally invasive dentistry cod fish oil potionBooks or Potions That Solve All Medical/Dental Problems (or Many Of Them In One Fell Swoop) So They Say

This post was originally a comment on Dr. Judene Smith's Facebook.

I agree that what we put in our mouths today "may" harm our teeth more than most other things dentists are doing to "help" them heal (fillings and such). If you've read about Native Americans of 300+ years ago, some of the tribes had very beautiful teeth, compared to many newly arrived Americans (exactly w

hy, I don't know, fermented cod liver oil???). But choosing one or the other (as this made it seem was the case) is not really the solution either.

First, there must be a point when fillings are required, which is where the dentist comes in, right?

Second, sending people to a book seems like a way to nip things in the bud, but being a voracious reader myself, I can see where this could be a problem. Like stopping people from going to a dentist in more significant numbers than already do. After reading three books on one subject, I am either confused, believing the last book I read is right or saying they are all idiots, and I need to read another book to find out the "real" answer. (An exaggeration, but as to science, medicine, economics, history and politics, reading in these subject areas can take me, and many others, in a similar direction.)

Third, criticizing fluoride is like telling people to quit going to the grocery for fruits and vegetables, and to grow it themselves, but only it's easier to drop it all (in this case, going to dentist and no fluoride) for a while, and then decide you only need to grow vegetables or do half the work (cod oil and no dentist ever). It also feeds into the hysteria (in some places) that fluoride isn't naturally occurring, unlike "fermented" cod liver oil. That hysteria reinforcement is an unfortunate side effect of this type of "I have the REAL solution" book.

Finally, I am suspicious of any book that goes against "everything" in the dental world, and tells people to "merely" take "ancient Chinese secret herbal green tea anabolic hemorrhoid supplements", and live as Henry David Thoreau did (and actually didn't for very long), etc. and shun anything we've learned in the last 150 years... While this is also an exaggeration of the book, in some or many ways, again the promotional language of Dr. Smith's book seems to suggest a "renouncing all ideology" to the casual observer at least. These casual observers and/or readers can end up being a large part of the adherents/converts, and of course, all those who they have influence over (family, friends, etc.), and so on...

Her book may have all the qualities suggested and implied be the promotional elements or noted inside the full text, but having not read all of Kevin Trudeau's books (beating cancer, diets, etc.), I think it still makes sense to be cautious when someone has all the easy answers to life's problem or an entire profession's problems, or again, seeming too at least:  

Sincerely, Richard The Chwalek

I'm a communication consultant for dentists; I am not a dentist.

PS: It is not that many of Dr. Smith's claims may or may not be spot on, it's that the implementation of these ideas for health "refashioning" can be significantly more problematic than just stating an end to something and moving to another. Sadly, a book does not change societies - societies do, and the wild swings of this kind of idea in the marketplace, like the Slick medicine show huckster with the flask of cod liver Oily salvation, can harm many as well.

Opening for Dental Hygienist at State of Art Practice

hygienist hygienists dental traverse city mi
We have an Immediate Opening for a highly motivated, dental hygienist and enthusiastic team member who knows how to treat our patients as family.
If you're reliable, competent, positive, and looking for ample career satisfaction performing dental prophylaxis for patients and other hygiene functions four days each week, we would like you on our team!
We know our success is driven by the talent and commitment of team members like you.
Please submit your resume in person and ask for Lori.
The dental practice of
Brian Klym, DDS | 10748 E. Traverse Highway | Traverse City, Michigan 49684 | (231) 947-7202


Job Opening: Dental Assistant, Traverse City

Northwood Dental TC - Traverse City,  Michigan Area


Job description

We are seeking a Dental Assistant with well-rounded skills and relevant experience to support the level of clinical treatment we provide our patients. We are looking for an assistant that has high energy, a strong outgoing personality, is self-motivated and able to learn quickly and adapt. If you are reliable, highly competent, positive, and looking for a career that involves assistance with advanced procedures and offers job satisfaction, we would like you on our team!

Northwood Dental has a great benefit package including 401K program with full vesting after one year; vacation pay; and monthly healthcare cost reimbursement. Wage will be based on experience.

Desired Skills and Experience

  • 4-handed Dentistry
  • Surgical experience
  • Cosmetic experience
  • X-ray certification

About Northwood

Dr. Brian Klym and our entire Northwood Dental team focus throughout the day on exceeding patient comfort and providing individualized treatment. Our team works very efficiently. We are patient-centered and quality driven which creates a high level of trust with our patients and they know consistently that they are in good hands.

Dr. Brian Klym and the Northwood Dental team provide a full range of general and cosmetic dentistry services including I.V. sedation, implants, and root canals. Dr. Klym is backed by years of experience and ongoing, advanced education.

This Dental Assistant Job Opening is Also on LinkedIn.

Visit the practice website:

Dental Office Phone: (231) 947-7202


Listing posted by
Richard The Chwalek of
On TwitterNicheDental

Job posted here January 14, 2014